Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

MADURO, Edwin In The News DEC 2022

Edwin Maduro



Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jun 2022 10:45 PM

Tribunal Niega Pedido De Suspensin De Orden De Deportacin Y Retorno De Residente Ilegal Condenado Por Delito

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten El viernes 17 de junio del 2022, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia dict su decisin denegando una solicitud de suspensin de la decisin de la Honorable Ministra de Justicia Anna E. Richardson con respecto a la deportacin de un hombre que anteriormente resida legalmente en St. Maarten durante un perodo prolongado de tiempo. El hombre solicit su permiso de residencia permanente, sin embargo, durante el tiempo de trmite de la solicitud del permiso permanente, cometi un delito por el cual cumpli una pena de prisin.

Aunque el hombre en el momento de presentar la solicitud no tuviera antecedentes penales, La Ministra est autorizada por ley a tomar en consideracin los hechos y circunstancias que podran hacer que una persona no sea elegible para la emisin de un permiso de residencia Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: SMN-News
20 Jun 2022 09:59 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  On Friday, June 17th, 2022, the Court of First Instance rendered its decision denying a request to suspend the decision of the Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson regarding the deportation of a man who previously resided in St. Maarten legally for an extended period of time. The man requested his permanent residence permit, however, during the processing time of the application for the permanent permit, he committed a crime for which he served a prison sentence.

Even though the man at the time of submitting the application did not have a criminal record, the Minister is by law, authorized to take into consideration facts and circumstances that could result in a person not being eligible for issuance of a residence permit Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV